The snow is here, and kids everywhere are rejoicing from one more day off of school! While it might be fun, snow can cause some damage to your roof. Here are some dos and don'ts on this cold marshmallow day!
Sometimes snow will melt slightly then refreeze on top of shingles. This usually happens at the very edge of eaves. This creates an ice dam, which can casue water to back up underneath the shingles. So, here are a few tips to keep in mind during a major snow event:
Finally, do get outside and enjoy the fluffy flakes!
- Don't use shovels on shingles - It might seem like shovelling the snow off is a good idea. It works on the driveway, right?!? But on top of your roof, the shovels can damage the shingles and make conditions worse.
- Don't even get on your roof - It's not just tools that can damage your shingles. Extreme cold can make them significantly more brittle and prone to damage. So, even just walking around can cause problems. Don't get up on your roof when it's below 30* F outside, and really any time there is precipitation you should avoid the roof.
- Do monitor any areas that have had a history of ice damming in the past. You can throw road salt in these areas, just like you would on a driveway. Be very cautious when using your ladder to reach these areas!
- Do take a peek around to look for any evidence of leaks, especially in the attic. If you don't find any, then the situation is probably under control and there is nothing more to worry. Of course, if you find problems, or want help in looking for them, call in a professional.
Finally, do get outside and enjoy the fluffy flakes!